Stein 1783
By Klauss Damm
Disposition : Double strung Prellzungenmechanik
Transposition : A430 / A440
Range : 5 octave FF-g'''
Dimensions : L217*B100
Construction year : 1996
Stringing : Malcolm Rose Red & Yellow, Brass Wire & Soft Iron Wire
A fortepiano is an early piano. In principle, the word '“fortepiano” can designate any piano dating from the invention of the instrument by Bartolomeo Cristofori around 1700 up to the early 19th century. Most typically, however, it is used to refer to the late-18th to early-19th century instruments for which Haydn, Mozart, and the younger Beethoven wrote their piano music. Starting in Beethoven's time, the fortepiano began a period of steady evolution, culminating in the late 19th century with the modern grand. The earlier fortepiano became obsolete and was absent from the musical scene for many decades. In the 20th century the fortepiano was revived, following the rise of interest in historically informed performance. Fortepianos are built for this purpose today in specialist workshops.